I joined Weight Watchers

And Love It!

The points plus program is easy to use, and easy to follow. I started the program on Friday and I have already lost 3, yup 3 pounds. I think starting the program right when I stopped nursing was the right time. (more on weaning later this week) I am motivated, and happy to be take care of my body.

I have had an unhealthy body image since childhood. My mother was always telling me I was fat. She was always unhappy with her own body, and if rubbed off on me.  I was average sized as a kid and young teen. Then I had some major stress hit me, I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis at 14, my entire social circle changed over the course of one summer, and my parents divorced.

I coped with the stress with insomnia and overeating.  I gain around 50 pounds in 2 years. Since then I have dieted, lost and gained, tried LA weight loss,  joined a number of gyms,  didn’t go to the gym, dieted, had 2 kids, lost and gained.

I’m ready to take charge of my own habits, my own choices. I’m ready to free myself from the bad habits that were formed long ago and sustained by my pride and self-consciousness. I know I have the potential to have a healthy body. I have the will- power, support system, cheerleaders, and reasons to succeed.

I probably will not post here regularly about losing weight but do look for ideas to incorporate exercise into raising children, and places to exercise indoors in the Portland Or area.